Thursday, March 6, 2008

Feeling old. . .

So, last week was big for Doug and me as parents. Krystle turned 18---it just doesn't seem possible. Wasn't it just yesterday that she was toddling around the house getting into everything? I always thought old people were whacked when they'd say how time flies---so, it's hard for me to admit that I'm feeling that way now. I really do feel like I've been ripped off! Where did the time go? I want a do-over! Actually, I'm so very proud of the young woman that our Kryssie has become. She's so responsible, honest, funny, beautiful and spiritual. She is a great sister and daughter. I guess if she's got to be all grown up, I'd just as soon she start making me some grandbabies! That will be exciting stuff!
The rest of the crew is doing well--we're all addicted to American Idol this year (cheering for our Utah boy, David Archuleta). Kody is heading to the Junior Prom next weekend, so there's another milestone to make me weep. He is amazing--looking into college scholarships, possibly joining the military and such. He is more responsible than his 16 years should warrant. Keaton is working very hard to do better in school and we're proud of him. He and Moses are saving up for a new b-ball hoop, since our backboard shattered. They deliver fliers locally and earn good money each month (and get lots of exercise walking). Mo is working to memorize his time tables and loves that Spring is showing up at last. Kacey visited his girlfriend in Hawaii in February and now wishes he was back there, I'm sure. She'll come home the end of April. He's working at Domino's and keeping up on all the reality shows.
Our family sounds so boring. . . but we like to keep it simple.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Krystle! Hope you guys had a fun surprise party! Your kiddies are growing up way too fast! It even makes me feel old. To be eighteen again.....
I enjoyed the update. Keep them coming!

Carol said...

I found your blog. So cool but it looks like you are slacking on posting some updates. Let's do lunch soon.